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Modify the organization's token template

Sets the token template for your organization. If a template already exists it will be overwritten and cannot be retrieved.

The template must conform to the mustache template syntax. The following tags are available:

  • {{ organization }}: provides information on the organization. Renders to

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "name": "Your Org Name",
    "ancestors": [
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-111111111111",
    "name": "Parent Name"

    The following sub-tags are available:

    • {{ }}: the ID of the organization. Renders to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    • {{ }}: the name of the organization. Renders to Your Org Name
    • {{ organization.ancestors }}: the list of ancestor organizations, starting from the parent up to the root. Renders to
      [{"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-111111111111", "name": "Parent Name"}, ...]
    • {{ person.permissions }}: provides information on the person's permissions (additional and from roles). Renders to
Header Parameters
  • SlashID-OrgID string required

    The organization ID

    Example: af5fbd30-7ce7-4548-8b30-4cd59cb2aba1
  • SlashID-Required-Consistency string

    Possible values: [local_region, all_regions]

    Default value: local_region

    The consistency level required for this request. If the consistency level is not achieved within the timeout, the request will fail with a 408 Request Timeout error. 408 Request Timeout error indicates that request was not handled within the timeout, but it may still be handled after request timeout. Allowed values: * local_region: Wait while the request executes in the local region. * all_regions: Wait while the request executes across all regions. You can learn more about our replication model on our Cross-region Replication Model page.

  • SlashID-Required-Consistency-Timeout integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 120

    Default value: 30

    The maximum amount of seconds to wait for the requested consistency level to be achieved. If the consistency level is not achieved within this time, the request will fail with a 408 Request Timeout error. 408 Request Timeout error indicates that request was not handled within the timeout, but it may still be handled after request timeout. You can learn more about our replication model on our Cross-region Replication Model page.

Request Body

The new content of the token template

  • content string required

    The token claims mustache template. Must render to a valid JSON object.


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