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Getting Started

Welcome to the SlashID developer hub. You'll find comprehensive guides and documentation to help you start working with SlashID as quickly as possible, as well as support if you get stuck. Let's jump right in!


Here we have a list of common tasks that developers working with SlashID are interested in, and indications of where to start with our documentation.

I want to …So I should read …
See a React exampleReact Quickstart
See a Remix exampleRemix Quickstart
See sample projectsSample Apps on GitHub
See a sample project with SuborganizationsSuborganizations guide
Use webhooks to customize user flowsWebhooks guide
Pre-authenticate users moving from one of my services to anotherDocumentation for our Direct-ID endpoint and our SDK documentation on using Direct-ID
Implement SSOOur guide to SSO
Authenticate users of my service from my frontend using SlashIDSDK documentation
Bulk-import my existing users from our internal systems into SlashIDDocumentation for our persons and credentials endpoints.
Enrich a user with additional data from a backend serviceDocumentation for our attributes APIs
Enrich a user with additional data from my frontendOur SDK documentation on Users
Make communication with users consistent with my organization's brandingDocumentation for our Organization e-mail templates endpoints


The SlashID APIs give you the ability to configure and manage data stored with SlashID using a simple, flexible, and powerful REST API. If you are already using SlashID in your organization, you can skip to the API reference, or to our handbook if you are looking to address a specific issue. If you are new to SlashID, we recommend reading this page in order, as well as our SDK documentation.

Before You Start

If you are new to the SlashID API, we recommend completing the following steps first.

  • Register your organization with SlashID and obtain an API key. This will allow you to start developing, and to use our sandbox environment to experiment with the API.

  • Read our SDK documentation for more information on how users are authenticated and how you can integrate SlashID into your frontend.

Glossary of Terms

The following terms are used throughout our API and SDK documentation, and this glossary is designed to help you understand these in the context of SlashID. Many of these terms are common in authentication and authorization, and so if you are familiar with the field you may skip this for now and use it as reference.

AttributeA key-value pair containing information about a specific person
AuthenticationThe process of verifying the identity of a user of a service or website
CredentialA piece of information that can be used to authenticate a person
HandleA unique identifier for a person whose ownership can be verified remotely (for example, an email address)
PersonA user associated with your organization
SDKIn the context of this documentation, refers to the SlashID software development kit (SDK) for authenticating persons and interacting with the SlashID backend
Passkeys (WebAuthn)A web standard for authenticating users on the web using public key cryptography, without the need for passwords - more information can be found here

API Sections

Our API is broken down into the following sections, each managing a different aspect of the data held with SlashID.


These endpoints can be used to manage the users associated with your organization, and in particular how they may be authenticated. Note that some of this functionality is best accessed through our SDK, rather than calling APIs directly, to minimize development time and to ensure correct and consistent usage. The expected use for these endpoints is to retrieve information about a person, to remove a person from your organization, or to modify authentication policy in a granular way; for example, by enforcing a higher minimum number of authentication factors for high-risk users. These endpoints can also be used to migrate existing users into SlashID from an existing user management system.

The Direct-ID endpoint can be used to generate single-use authentication challenges, which can be embedded in links. In this way, you can ensure that previously authenticated users can move between services and land on new pages already authenticated, without needing to re-authenticate, and without needing to share tokens.


The attributes endpoints are used to attach arbitrary data to persons in your organization, which are stored securely and in the same geographical region as the person. For example, this could include physical addresses or organization-specific information. As the data is encrypted and geographically co-located with the person data, attributes are ideal for ensuring compliance needs are met, as well as ensuring data security, while maintaining a simple interface for development.


These endpoints can be used to create and delete credentials associated with persons in your organization. Specifically, you can use these endpoints to create a public key credential for a person, which can then be used for Passkeys authentication. This is a key part of migrating users from an existing system to SlashID, as it means users can continue to authenticate with Passkeys without needing to register again, making migration to SlashID seamless for end-users. You can also delete previously-created credentials.


Manage configuration for your organization. This can be used to set organization-level policies about authentication, such as token duration and permitted origin domains, and to customize communication on your organization’s behalf between SlashID and your users.


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