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Get organization config

Get the current configuration for your organization

Header Parameters
  • SlashID-OrgID string required

    The organization ID

    Example: af5fbd30-7ce7-4548-8b30-4cd59cb2aba1


  • meta object
  • pagination object
  • limit integer
  • offset integer
  • total_count int64
  • errors object[]
  • httpcode integer
  • message string
  • result object

    Configuration values for an organization. Note that some values are read-only.

  • pricing_tier string

    Possible values: [free-trial, professional, enterprise, enterprise-with-nhi]

    The tier associated with a root organization.

    Your organization may be subject to various constraints depending on its tier, such as maximum number of users, rate-limits, etc.

  • from_email string

    The email address from which authentication emails are sent.

    Empty means SlashID's default e-mail address will be used.

    This is set during onboarding.

  • from_phone_number_sms string

    The phone number from which authentication SMS messages are sent.

    Empty means SlashID's default phone numbers will be used.

    This is set during onboarding.

  • token_duration integer

    The number of seconds before a token expires.

  • groups_claim_name string

    The name of the JWT claim holding the list of groups for the authenticated user identified in the token.

  • requires_manual_approval boolean

    If true, new users are deactivated until the organization admin sets the person's active field.

  • deny_self_registration boolean

    If true, new users can only be created by the organization admin

  • allowed_factor_methods string[]

    Possible values: [webauthn, email_link, sms_link, otp_via_sms, otp_via_email, totp, oidc, saml, api, direct_id, password, impersonate, anonymous]

    Only allow authentication using the specified factor methods.

    Empty means all supported factors are enabled.

    This configuration doesn't affect API and DirectID authentications.

  • authn_link_allowed_redirect_uris string[]

    Possible values: <= 8

    The URIs to which users can be redirected after authenticating with an email/SMS link.

    It can't be an IP, nor contain query parameters or fragments. We advise that it's an HTTPS URI but we don't require it. Custom schemes are allowed.

  • new_person_handle_patterns string[]

    Only allow registration of new persons with a handle matching one of the patterns.

  • sudo_mode_duration integer

    The number of seconds, after users authenticate, during which they can perform sensitive actions.

  • authn_redirect_page_ui_config object

    UI configuration for the hosted page users are redirected to after clicking a magic link or password reset link.