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๐Ÿ“„๏ธ Create a new OAuth2 client

Create a new client ID/secret pair that can be used with the client credentials grant type. A valid SlashID organization ID and API key must be used to authenticate and authorize the request. The client credentials can be configured. SlashID currently supports the following OAuth 2.0 grants: - client credentials - authorization code - refresh token The `grant_types` field may contain only the values `client_credentials` and `authorization_code`. Other values will return a `400` error code. The client credentials grant requires a client secret, and so all clients allowing that grant should be regarded as confidential, as defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification ( The response body will include the client ID and client secret. For the client credentials grant, these can be used with the `/oauth2/tokens` endpoints to obtain an access token. For the authorization code grant, these can be used as described in the [OAuth 2.0 specification]( The client secret must be stored securely, and cannot be retrieved in subsequent API calls. If you lose the client secret, a new secret can be generated using the `PUT /oauth2/clients/{oauth_client_id}/secret` endpoint.