๐๏ธ Validate a user token
This endpoint validates a SlashID user token. The response indicates whether the token is valid and its expiration time if so. If the token is not valid, the reason is returned.
๐๏ธ Revoke a user token
This endpoint revokes a SlashID user token.
๐๏ธ Mint a token for a person
This endpoint creates a token for a specific user. Custom claims can be specified in the request body which will be added to the token's payload. Custom claims are added to the token's payload. Tokens created with this endpoint will have an `authenticated_methods` claim equal to ['api']. The following claims are reserved and cannot be specified: - aud - exp - jti - iat - iss - nbf - sub - prev_token_id - oid - org_id - user_id - person_id - first_token - authenticated_methods - oidc_tokens - user_token - groups - roles - access_token - refresh_token - id - id_token - gdpr - gdpr_consent - gdpr_consent_level - parent_user_id - parent_person_id - parent_org_id - parent_oid - attributes - custom_claims - slashid - slashid.dev - slashid.com - slashid.me - sid With the following request body: ``` { 'custom_claims': { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': {'everything': 42} } } ``` the token in the response will have the following payload: ``` { 'authenticated_methods': [ 'api' ], 'baz': { 'everything': 42 }, 'exp': <expiration time timestamp>, 'first_token': false, 'foo': 'bar', 'iat': <issued at timestamp>, 'iss': <token issuer>, 'jti': <token ID>, 'oid': <organisation ID>, 'person_id': <person ID> } ```