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<Groups> is a conditional rendering helper. Use this component where some content should be shown only to users belonging to one or more specific groups.

The children of <Groups> will be shown only:

  • Where belongsTo is string: the user belongs to the group name provided.
  • Where belongsTo is a function: the predicate returns true.


User belongs to admin group

import { Groups } from "@slashid/react"

function Component() {
return (
<Groups belongsTo="admin">
Only visible for admins.

User belongs to one of many

User belongs to either admin or user group.

We provide a static method Groups.some(...groups: string[]) so you can easily implement an inclusive OR assertion.

import { Groups } from "@slashid/react"

function Component() {
return (
<Groups belongsTo={Groups.some("admin", "user")}>
Visible to user who is either user OR admin.

User belongs to all

User belongs to both admin and user groups.

We provide a static method Groups.all(...groups: string[]) so you can easily implement an inclusive AND assertion.

import { Groups } from "@slashid/react"

function Component() {
return (
<Groups belongsTo={Groups.all("admin", "user")}>
Only visible to user who is both user AND admin.

Implementing complex group assertions

If you need more complex logic in your group check you can write your own predicate function.

import { Groups } from "@slashid/react"

function Component() {
// Using `React.useCallback` is recommended to prevent unnecessary render cycles
const customBusinessLogicAssertion = React.useCallback((groups) => {
if (groups.includes("alpha") && !groups.includes("beta")) return true
if (groups.includes("beta") && groups.includes("charlie")) return true
if (groups.includes("delta")) return true
return false
}, [])

return (
<Groups belongsTo={customBusinessLogicAssertion}>
Visible to users who satisfy custom business logic


belongsTostring | (groups: string[]) => booleanGroup name or predicate function which is called with a list of groups the authenticated user belongs to; return true to render the children content.